This is a service-user led evaluation report. It evaluates a training, learning and workshop project run as a social enterprise.
This report feeds back on the evaluation of one of Care Co-ops services – ‘Limited Editions’– and particularly a one year project that forms part of it, the “SUCP” (Service User Commissioning Project). An independent evaluator interviewed services users and staff; observed Steering Group meetings; and analysed reports and quality assurance material produced by Limited Editions. This evaluation feeds back on the following 4 questions:
- WHY was a “service user commissioning project” run?
- WHAT did the project do?
- WHAT was the experience of running the project like?
- WHAT does the project need to do next?
This report evaluates the value of the Limited Editions service and the one year SUCP pilot project. Monitoring information is separate to this evaluation.