Resources: Management

The Resources Library provides all kinds of interesting small articles, training and learning tools, research papers and ‘think-pieces’ plus other materials that are all free to use (for non-commercial purposes).

Becoming more employable – use this assessment tool

‘Employability’ has become a big issue for employers and a major hurdle for job-hunters, young people especially. Here is a resource that can help job-seekers and advisers and anyone who wants to improve their generable employability.  In some cases employers have been concerned that graduates with highly classified degrees do not have some of the

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Increasing diversity in job-recruiting – a trial that closed the racial gap has lessons for recruiters

Increasing diversity in the workforce is an important challenge.  The public trust government services and companies more if they see that their social identity – race, gender, disability etc. – is reflected in the service being provided.  Employers are therefore keen to improve the application rate and success rate of minority-group candidates.  A recruitment campaign for a regional police service managed to increase by 50% the pass rate on a pre-employment test, amongst non-white candidates.  They achieved this huge improvement by changing the wording of emailed information sent to candidates. How did this work[1] and what are the practical implications for employers?

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Top tips for better home-based working and studying

Are you working from home or studying at home?  Lots of us are embarking on this for the first time.  I have chatted to many colleagues who work at home and I’ve been home-based for many years. I have distilled lots of advice into just five tips that will really help get you settled into,

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Remote meetings and teaching: a warm-up method

So much is happening remotely now.  We are all having to get used to relating to others at a distance, and participating in meetings, groups or teaching on-line in zoom, teams etc.   Some like this more than others, and we want everyone to participate and get the most out of on-line sessions.  Here is a

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