Resources: New ‘coachees’ and feedback

Picture of Jim Simpson

Jim Simpson

Jim is a consultant, researcher, coach and developer.

I have acquired some new clients recently but there’s always room for more. I am working with people recently on new service delivery, organisational strategy, potential merger and all sorts which is always exciting. It really good fun too to be ranging across all sorts of ‘worlds’ from advocacy, advice and family support to men’s services, music services and personal development.

For people who don’t know me here’s some recent feedback

Jim has worked with us for over two years and has successfully supported us to engage with the changing local and national commissioning climate. He takes the time to understand issues and dilemmas that we face which enables him to offer constructive support and feedback……

I really value the supervision I get from Jim. He is relaxed, easy to be with and well informed. I want to come away from supervision with more clarity about decisions and issues at work. I get this from Jim which is great!!

Sarah Pickard, Co-ordinator Speak Out

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