Jim Simpson Consultancy has experience of working with 100 plus organisations helping them to develop, thrive and grow. We help you by acting as management consultant, researcher, trainer and evaluator.
The business has an excellent track record of delivering highly valued service delivery for companies, organisations in the public and voluntary sector and individual clients. We would love to hear from you if you feel that you could benefit from our services, and work together on a plan to help you achieve your goals. Jim Simpson now works for University of Sussex – he can still help point you in the right direction so do email if you have a question.
Meet Jim
Jim is a consultant, researcher, coach and developer. Now he teaches management, business and human resources management courses at University of Sussex Business School.
Jim created the consultancy business following a career as a social enterprise worker and manager; a business academic; and a community development worker. Jim is based in Brighton. He is qualified as a post-graduate (MBA), a lecturer (Cert Ed) and as a youth worker. Jim continues to build on his experience as a practitioner and an academic, and he writes about innovation, public sector, management, and social studies topics.

Our Approach
Jim’s approach to working with clients is enabling and supportive. He engages clients in a participative process that empowers them to develop and improve their capability.
He uses his knowledge and insight to target clients’ areas of need and skilfully provides a package of tailored services that enable clients to reach their goals, flourish and grow.
Our Associates
Jim Simpson Consultancy works with a range of associates including researchers, trainers, writers and technical professionals. Their expertise is brough in on a per-project basis to complement areas of skill and to ensure capacity.
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