We provide high quality research and evaluation services focussed on your concerns and needs as an organisation
We are proud of our excellent reputation, and we have a bespoke approach to gathering data and reviewing practice.
Our approach is client-focussed. Research and development work is planned with you, and your organisation is involved in all assignments as far as you want and need to be.
We help you to audit work, test ideas, gather opinions and develop new and better approaches. Services practice, service delivery and outcomes, user satisfaction, systematic/literature reviews, policy studies and communities research are typical aproaches which we rigorously deploy. Where impact or performance is involved staff are helped to evaluate and set up performance systems.
See also: the resources and research papers area.
Previous Projects
Study into local community and 'aspiration' for Poplar HARCA plus training of the communities team
Review of clinical research advisory services for the National Institute of Health Research’s Research Design Service at the Universities of Kent, Brighton and Surrey
Research papers on innovation and trust, democatic management and other related topics
Services impact system for a national charity CRI (Crime Reduction Initiatives) delivering services in substance misuse, criminal justice, housing, youth services, social care; Evaluations for Spurgeons (children and families’ services), Worthing Homes, Reaching Families, CABs and Brighton and Hove Integration Project
Literature Review on learning disability needs and advocacy intervention with Speak Out advocacy services
Community empowerment practitioner study for the Department of Communities and Local Government/Community Development Foundation