This is an introductory lecture and workshop package on change management in organisations. It is useful for anyone thinking about or managing change in any setting. It contains several models of personal, organisational and environmental level change; material on the psychology of change; and some discussion of organisational learning.
Increasing diversity in job-recruiting – a trial that closed the racial gap has lessons for recruiters
Increasing diversity in the workforce is an important challenge. The public trust government services and companies more if they see that their social identity – race, gender, disability etc. – is reflected in the service being provided. Employers are therefore keen to improve the application rate and success rate of minority-group candidates. A recruitment campaign for a regional police service managed to increase by 50% the pass rate on a pre-employment test, amongst non-white candidates. They achieved this huge improvement by changing the wording of emailed information sent to candidates. How did this work[1] and what are the practical implications for employers?